purple/dark with rage的差别?两个外国人竟然给出2种矛盾的解释

appliter 留学国家 13

事情是这样的,我偶然查到rage的2个词组:‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍purple with rage VSdark with rage我第一时间想的是,前者表示非常生气,起到脸色发紫;‍后者也是非常生气,但是起得脸色阴沉。‍‍

purple/dark with rage的差别?两个外国人竟然给出2种矛盾的解释-第1张图片- Appliter留学问答平台


1 His face was purple with rage.

2 His face was dark with rage.

Is there a big difference between them?


‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍1. "His face was purple with rage."* Imagery: Face turning purple due to intense emotions.* Connotation: Explosive and immediate anger.2. "His face was dark with rage."* Imagery: A shadowed or clouded expression.* Connotation: Brooding or simmering anger.Summary:* "Purple with rage": Intense, visible anger.* "Dark with rage": Serious, controlled anger.


I'm anativeEnglish speaker and I don’t think there is any difference between these phrases.Also, these aren’t common at all.Maybe things you would see in literature.It’s more common to say 'red with rage' also, but I wouldn’t naturally use this phrase.

