2024 WSDA暑期学术综合营·昆山站圆满落幕!

appliter 留学国家 15

才感盛夏,忽而已秋。光阴流转间,2024 WSDA暑期综合学术营的最后一站——昆山营地今天在美丽的昆山狄邦华曜学校落下帷幕。

2024 WSDA暑期学术综合营·昆山站圆满落幕!-第1张图片- Appliter留学问答平台

回顾在营地学习生活的日子,令你印象深刻的是跟随各自Coach和Lab Leader沉浸在思辨与学术氛围中的乐此不疲,还是与优秀同龄人交流碰撞出思想花火的酣畅淋漓?是跨出舒适区探索自我更多潜能的勇敢无畏,还是离开父母也能独立学习生活的快速成长?


正如同学们在采访中所说,在过去十天的日日夜夜中,Coach和Lab Leader们不仅是同学们演讲辩论知识与技能上的传授者,更是同学们成长与蜕变的见证者。他们用智慧与博学带领同学们领略思辨的魅力,他们用耐心与热情点燃同学们心中探索未知的火焰,他们用付出与教导让同学们不再因迷茫而徘徊,他们用鼓励与陪伴激励同学们不断攀登演讲辩论的山巅。

回顾今年夏天,Coach和Lab Leader们会用什么词来形容WSDA营地?他们认为同学们在营地期间的表现如何?据他们观察,同学们的哪些能力得到了提升?他们对大家未来的学习有什么建议与期待?那就让我们跟随老师的镜头,来看看他们都有什么话想对同学们说的吧?

Critical Thinking

My students and myself have a deeper meaning of critical thinking. We can look at something and see the pros of it. We can see the cons of it and make decisions based on the evidence we found.——Mike B


Everything that the students are learning is very academically oriented. All of the activities are things designed to help them with their studies. All of the skills that they’re building can really help them improve their marks.——Aaron


The students are so passionate about learning. We didn’t start until 9 o’clock except students were there at 8:30 every morning. And we started and they just wanted to learn more and more...——Mike W


I‘ve seen a lot of students who inspire themselves and their friends. I can see them challenge themselves. I can see them try to improve and be better beyond themselves.——Azim

Developing your personality

There’s a lot of confidence that you need to be able to communicate effectively within a debate. Those skills will help them in debate but it will also help them in school to be able to communicate their ideas clearly in the workplace when they finally get a job someday.——Esther


I would say expression and of course, part of that is ‘speaking eloquently’. You need to be able to use your own voice when you are presenting. Debate gives you an avenue to share your voice with people and that is especially obvious in WSDA summer camps.——Giuliette


After attending the WSDA camp for three years, I have come to realize its dynamic nature. I loved being among students from diverse backgrounds and hearing their unique inputs on different topics. I feel like I too am constantly learning new things from my students year after year.——Isabella


As I say this to my students, for me, the camp is first and foremost about 'friendship' - the intellectual space of sociability. Regardless of one's attitude toward the competitive debate format, the community built around the harmony and dissonance of thoughts, through which real characters are built, is the simple greatest facilitator of the noblest philosophical friendships. The camp possesses the true magic of mobilizing all of one's senses to the utmost extent.——Geven


We have students from all over China with their unique personalities and talents. It’s a mutual learning experience for everyone!——Jennifer

Learning community

We are a learning community that thrive everyone, not just to learn how to make great speech and debate, but also develop personal growth.——Lily
