Critical Reading 批判性阅读简介(7)—— 识别作者的语气

appliter 留学国家 8


Critical Reading 批判性阅读简介(7)—— 识别作者的语气-第1张图片- Appliter留学问答平台



The day was sunny and bright. Clouds flew across the sky before a mischievous spring breeze that set the golden daffodils dancing.


Night crept into day’s end on the heels of a cold, gray rain. Dark clouds hid the moon, and the dry leaves rattled on the skeletal branches of the dying trees.


He was rude, thoughtless, self-important, and bigoted. How dare he talk to me like that!



Don’t be afraid. Just sit down next to a person you want to date and engage him or her in small talk. If you are in a classroom, talk about an assignment, the seating arrangement, or the instructor (be kind). If you are at work, talk about the building or some recent interesting event in the neighborhood. Ask your intened date how he or she feels about the situation. If you are at a group function and you have never been there before, tell the other person that you are there for the first time and ask for advice on how to relate to the group. Most people like to be spoken to. You’ll do just fine.

这段话讲述的是如何对自己心仪对象迈开追求的第一步。那么作者当时的心情态度是如何的呢?应该是鼓励性质的,耐心且细心。从哪里能看出来呢?第一句Don’t be afraid和最后一句You’ll do just fine,都让读者感受到了作者的鼓励态度。此外,从段落中讨论的各种不同场景下如何应对的细节,甚至于攀谈的具体内容,都让我们感受到作者的耐心与仔细。整段话读起来像是一位“过来人”在淳淳开导年轻人。

In the United States, one of four children is born into poverty. The United States is the world’s wealthest nation, but much of that wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. The combined wealth of the top 1 percent of American families is nearly equal to that of the entire bottom 95 percent. Such obscene inequality is totally inappropriate for a democratic country.

这段话并没有像上面的例子一样使用各种贬义负面形容词,也没有什么感叹句彰显作者的心情,但我们却可以感受到文字下作者的不满与激愤。如何看到这一点呢?通过作者列举的数据所形成的强烈对比,poverty 对比 wealth,1 percent 对比 95 percent, top 对比 bottom。作者虽然没有直说,但这些鲜明的对比明显让我们感受到作者对于巨大社会不公与反差的态度。段落的最后一句话更是清楚地表明了作者的观点。

几乎没有一位作者会直接说明自己的心情和态度,I was angry/happy/sad… 这样的句子往往是不会直接出现在文中的。但是正确判断了解作者的语气tone,能迅速帮助我们理解作者是出于什么目的来写作的,他/她想传达的内在信息是什么。

