
appliter 留学国家 19


普林斯顿前招生官:大学是如何审理中国学生的申请材料?-第1张图片- Appliter留学问答平台



今天,我们就来听听普林斯顿前招生官Don Betterton对这些问题的回答。

Don曾在普林斯顿大学担任招生官一职30余年,熟悉大学招生政策与学生评估,曾荣获校友理事会服务奖、布雷斯勒奖等奖项,并被任命为 1960 届和 2005 届名誉成员。他开发的 BCP Evaluator 系统,可以真实地预测学生的录取机会,也为择校这一大难题提供了建设性意见,帮助数百名中国学生完成大学申请。


耶鲁大学芝加哥大学约翰霍普金斯大学 (2)康奈尔大学西北大学卡耐基梅隆大学 (3)加州大学伯克利分校华盛顿圣路易斯大学 (2)埃默里大学圣母大学 (2)密歇根大学 (3)巴纳德学院威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校萨凡纳艺术与设计学院纽约时装学院


Are there any stereotypes towards

Chinese applicants in the admission office?



Yes, the usual.  Smart, Hardworking, STEM-oriented


What are the most common traits of Chinese applicants that you observe in the past years, either in a good way or in a bad way?



正因如此,我建议STEM方向申请者的选校列表中多加几所符合学校(Match School)和安全学校(Safety School)。

The above stereo type holds up rather well.  If STEM is what the student is good at, and interested in studying in college, they should realize that STEM applicants face the toughest competition, both from US students and other internationals. STEM applicants (especially CS and Engineering) are large in number and tend to have the highest GPAs and SAT scores. These students probably can’t switch to another academic area where the admission standards aren’t as high because STEM is where they do well and what they want to major in. Because of this, STEM applicants need to having a college list with more Match and Safety schools than other applicants.


What are the qualities that are valued the

most when reviewing an application?


也许是由于高考的影响,多数中国学生中会把SAT看的过重。但其实,课程难度和校内成绩是非常重要的,而SAT更多是作为一个统一的成绩指标。对于竞争激烈的大学,非学术成就和个人素质可能高达录取权重的 40%。所以建议申请者们需要明白非学术因素(例如课外活动)的重要性。

Common among Chinese students (possibly because of the importance of Goakao in Chinese admissions) is to put considerable emphasis on the SAT.  Course level and grades have always been #1 in evaluating an app with SAT serving as a uniform evaluator of the transcript.  For highly competitive colleges, non-academic accomplishments and personal qualities can be as much as 40% of the admission weight. Applicants need to understand the importance of non-academic factors.


How to develop a unique perspective for my college application essay? How can an essay stand out, especially for Chinese students?



Hard to say as there is no formula. Interesting, different, and easy to read are important.   Students tend to “overwrite” their essays making them hard to read and understand.  Readers don’t have time to analyze an essay – they do a careful scan of the content to get an impression of what is important to the student. The better essays are more informal -- as if the writer is speaking to the reader.


What are the common misconceptions/

misunderstandings that Chinese students typically have towards the U.S. college application from your observation? Or what are the common mistakes that Chinese applicants made in the past years?



Spending so much time on SAT prep that other important admission elements lag behind.


Do I need to participate in extracurricular activities since Grade 9 and keep holding onto it for a rather long period of time?



Maybe start in 9th, at least by 10th, so there are 2 to 3 years to stand out, both in the importance of the activity itself as well as the importance of the student’s role in the activity. Starting an activity is more impressive than merely joining one.


How would a college admission officer consider the rank/quality of Chinese high schools? And how can a graduate from a high school that is not so famous or highly ranked get admitted to the top universities?



I’m not an expert on the names of the “best” Chinese high schools or even how the quality can vary from one school to another.  From my experience, enrollment in aninternational school compared to a public school is preferable because the student’s transcipt and extra-curricular activities look very much like students from a US high school.  This makes it easier for an admission reader to evaluate the application.  If the family is shopping for a “better” high school, the school’s track record for having students accepted to the top US colleges and universities is an important indicator.
