
appliter 留学国家 14

MIT恢复SAT/ACT成绩要求政策解读-第1张图片- Appliter留学问答平台





Q: Why is MIT reinstating its SAT/ACT requirement?


A: First, let me talk a bit about why we have an SAT/ACT requirement in the first place. We have a dedicated research and analysis team that regularly studies our process and decisions. One thing they look at is what we need to predict student success at MIT. We want to be confident an applicant has the academic preparation and noncognitive skills (like resilience, conscientiousness, time-management, and so on) to do well in our challenging, fast-paced academic environment.


In short: Our research has shown that, in most cases, we cannot reliably predict students will do well at MIT unless we consider standardized test results alongside grades, coursework, and other factors. These findings are statistically robust and stable over time, and hold when you control for socioeconomic factors and look across demographic groups. And the math component of the testing turns out to be most important.


One reason we think this is true is because of the unusually quantitative orientation of our education, as I explain in more detail in my post. An MIT education combines deeply analytic thinking with creative hands-on problem-solving to prepare students to solve the toughest problems in the world. Our General Institute Requirements demand that all first-years must take (or place out of, through Advanced Standing Examination) two semesters of calculus and two-semesters of calculus-based physics, no matter what field they intend to major in; students who do not place out of physics also take a math diagnostic. In other words, there is no pathway through MIT that does not include a rigorous foundation in mathematics, mediated by many quantitative exams along the way. So, in a way, it is not surprising that the SAT/ACT math exams are predictive of success at MIT; it would be more surprising if they weren't.

我们的理由基于MIT教育极其高强度的数据相关学习。MIT教育着重结合分析能力和创新性问题解决能力,旨在准备学生能够在真实世界中解决最难的那些问题。我们本科大一的课程基础要求就是无论什么专业,都要学习两学期的微积分和两学期基于微积分基础的物理课程(除非通过评估考试Advanced Standing Examination)。也就是说,在MIT学习,不可能跳过严格的数学教学,也不可能跳过高难度的数据相关的考查。所以说,将SAT/ACT数学分数作为预测学生是否成功的标准,是理所当然的。

I should emphasize here that we don’t focus only on the tests. In fact, we don’t care about the tests at all beyond the point where they — alongside other factors — help demonstrate preparation for MIT. We don’t prefer perfect scores, and a perfect score isn’t sufficient to say you’ll succeed at MIT, either. However, the tests are something we’ve found we usually need in addition to these other factors in order to demonstrate preparation.


We are reinstating our requirement in order to be transparent and equitable in our expectations. Our concern is that, without the compelling clarity of a requirement, some well-prepared applicants won’t take the tests, and we won’t have enough information to be confident in their academic readiness when they apply. We believe it will be more equitable — and less anxiety-inducing — if we require all applicants who take the tests to disclose their scores, rather than ask each student to strategically guess whether or not to send them to us.


Of course, we know that some students won’t be able to safely take the tests due to their own specific health conditions or various disasters and disruptions, as was the case before the pandemic. In these cases, we will allow students to explain on their application why they were unable to safely take the exam, and we will not hold the lack of exam against them. We will instead use other factors in their application to assess preparation as best we can, but with one less tool in our kit in their case.



Q&A: Stuart Schmill on MIT’s decision to reinstate the SAT/ACT requirement:



以少数明确“Test-Blind不考虑标化成绩”的加州大学(UC)为例,今年UC系统共收到210,840份申请,比去年还提高了3.5%(即增加7,140份申请,2021申请季申请数为203,700),导致录取率大大降低,普遍在30%左右甚至更低,特别是第一梯队的加州伯克利UC Berkely和加州洛杉矶UCLA,基本上也就是10%出头的录取率。


大华府地区名校Georgetown University乔治城大学,即使在疫情期间,也从未取消过标化考试的成绩要求,明确指出,若是由于各种原因无法参加SAT/ACT考试,那么还请申请其他大学。





如果美本申请者要在众多申请中脱颖而出,还需要些新思路,例如数学相关的课外活动(如数学社、辅导同伴或低年龄同学)、数学竞赛表现(如AMC)、数学集训营(如Awesome Math)等等。

