
appliter 留学国家 12

昨天的推文介绍了 Algoma University、Brock University、Carleton  University 大学的奖学金。有些入学奖学金是不需要申请的,分数到了它的标准自动发放的。还有很多奖学金自己要去学校官网或是社区查。推文只是介绍一部分。今天继续介绍以下大学:

加拿大安大略省有哪些奖学金?安省大学奖学金一览(二)-第1张图片- Appliter留学问答平台

University of Guelph         

Academic Leadership Entrance Scholarship☆☆ 候选人:35人  金额:$20,000

If you do not receive a President's Scholarship or a Lincoln Alexander Chancellor's Scholarship, you will be considered for an Academic Leadership Entrance Scholarship. Only those students who have applied for a President's Scholarship or a Lincoln Alexander Chancellor's Scholarship are eligible.

Angelo and Frank Agro Undergrad Scholarship 候选人:7人  金额:$7,000 (payable over 4 years of study)

Available to full-time students who are entering semester 1 who demonstrate the most active involvement with 4H clubs, attain a minimum 75% admission average and have completed a minimum of ten 4H projects.

Board of Governors' Scholarship ☆☆☆☆☆候选人:25人  金额:$20,000 (payable over 4 years of study)

Academically outstanding entering students with the highest admission averages of the entering cohort. Application not required.

Clara E. Elliott Education Scholarship 候选人:2人  金额:$10,000 (payable over 4 years of study)

Students entering the BASc program with at least an 80% admission average who plan to pursue a career in teaching or education at any level.The recipient will be selected on the basis of academic achievement and demonstrated leadership ability and potential.

Colwyn Rich Food Science Scholarship☆☆☆☆☆ 候选人:1人  金额:$28,000 (payable over 4 years)

Canadian citizens or permanent residents who are entering the BSc. program with a major in Food Science who have a minimum 80% admission average and demonstrated financial need. Preference will be given to a student in the co-op program.

Gary Knechtel Memorial Scholarship 候选人:1人  金额:$10,000 (payable over 4 years)

Students graduating from an Ontario high school and entering the Food Science major of the BSc degree with demonstrated financial need.Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an Ontario Student Opportunities Trust Fund award (see General Statements on Awards).

Harold A. Kopas Memorial Entrance Award  候选人:1人  金额:$7,500 (payable over 4 years)

Students entering the B.Sc.(Agr.) program with demonstrated financial need and a minimum average of 70% from Wellington County or Waterloo region.

Honours Physics Scholarships 候选人:几人  金额:$4,000 (payable over 4 years)

Students entering the first semester level of the B.Sc. program or the B.Sc. (Tech.) program with a minimum 85% admission average and a declared intention of pursuing a major in Physics, Physics and Technology, Biophysics, Chemical Physics, or Theoretical Physics, or a Co-op stream of these programs.

Kenneth O. Hammill – Blount Canada Scholarship 候选人:1人  金额:$9,600 (payable in 8 payments of $1,200)

Entering students who have applied for the President's, Lincoln Alexander Chancellor's or Chancellor's Scholarships who are interviewed, but not successful in the competition with demonstrated financial need.Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an Ontario Student Opportunities Trust Fund award (see Guelph's General Statement on Awards).

President's Scholarship ★★★★★候选人:9人  金额:$42,000 ($8,250 annually for 4 years of study plus one $9,000 stipend for work as a summer research assistant).

Entering students of academic distinction who have made significant contributions to their schools and communities, and demonstrate the potential to become leaders in society are eligible. A minimum 90% admission average is required.

Registrar's Entrance Bursaries 候选人:500人  金额:$4,000 

Students entering any degree program with a minimum registration of 1.5 credits, demonstrated financial need and academic excellence are eligible.

Robert Orr Lawson Microbiology Entrance Scholarship  候选人:1人  金额:$4,000 (payable over 4 years of study)

Students entering the microbiology major in the BSc program with a minimum admission average of 80% are eligible.

Rol-Land Farms Scholarships 候选人:13人  金额:$2,000 

Students entering a degree program with demonstrated financial need and a minimum 80% cumulative average are eligible.Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an Ontario Student Opportunities Trust Fund award (see Guelph's General Statement on Awards).

Spitzig Entrance Scholarship in Economics  候选人:2人  金额:$4,500 

Students entering a Bachelor of Arts program offered by the Department of Economics.
Additionally, students must meet the government-mandated terms for receipt of an OTSS award (see Guelph's General Statement on Awards).

University of Guelph Entrance Scholarship 候选人:几人  金额:$2,000 to $3,000

All students entering their first year of postsecondary studies for the first time with a minimum 85% admission average are eligible.

Registrar's Need-Based Entrance Bursary 需要申请;金额:$2,000

Based on demonstrated financial need. Available to applicants who have never attended a postsecondary institution and are Canadian citizens, permanent residents or protected persons. Apply on our website.

Renewable Entrance Scholarship 

High school students who apply to the University of Guelph-Humber will automatically be considered for this scholarship, which is based on a final admission average of , including subject requirements.

75–79.9%   $2,000;

80–84.9%   $3,000;

85–89.9%    $4,000;

90%+           $5,000

Vice-Provost Entrance Scholarship☆☆☆☆ ☆候选人:7人  金额:$20,000 ($5,000 x 4)

Awarded to students with the highest final admission average for their program. Applicants are automatically considered.

Lakehead University

Academic Entrance Scholarship 候选人:不限  金额:($4,000 x 4 years)

Offered to students who maintained an average of at least 95% in top 6 U/M courses in the first round of scholarship offers (April/May), but decreased below a 95% average in the final scholarship round (July).

Academic Entrance Scholarship 候选人:不限  金额:$16,000 ($4,000 x 4 years)

Academic Entrance Scholarships are automatically awarded, with no application required, to Canadian citizens entering Lakehead University from a recognized Canadian high school curriculum. Entrance Scholarship averages are calculated based on the highest six 4U/M academic marks (or equivalent) in the first round of scholarship offers (May offers).Students who receive $4,000 may receive a Free Tuition Scholarship offer extended in July, should their entrance scholarship average not decrease below 95%.

80–84.9%   $3,000($750 x 4 years)(Renewable)

85–89.9%    $5,000 ($1,250 x 4 years) (Renewable)

90-94.9%    $10,000 ($2,500 x 4 years) (Renewable)

Lakehead University Presidential Scholarship ☆☆☆☆ ☆候选人:2人  金额:$30,000 ($7,500 x 4 years)

annually who achieve a minimum 90% average, demonstrate leadership qualities and make significant contributions to their high school and their community. Candidates selected for an interview will have their expenses paid to travel to the Thunder Bay or Orillia campus. Renewable provided an 85% average is maintained.

Laurentian University        

Board of Governors Scholarship (不需要申请)候选人:1人;金额:$1,300

To be eligible, students must be entering the first year of a program in arts or science. The applicant must have obtained a minimum 75% average in an Ontario high school (in 6 U/M courses) or the equivalent and must not be in receipt of any other major award.

Carl and Lyle Sanders Scholarships 候选人:2人;金额:$2,200

Awarded to first-year students enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts program, with a minimum 80% average from an Ontario high school (in 6 U/M courses).

Carl J. Sanders Scholarships 候选人:2人;金额:$1,200

A gift from the late Carl J. Sanders, a Toronto-based businessman with varied interests who, over the years, donated generously to educational institutions and charitable organizations. Valued at $1,200 each, the scholarships are awarded to 1st-year students enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts, Science, Business Administration program, with a minimum 80% average in an Ontario secondary school (in six U/M courses).

Douglas Williamson Bursary 候选人:1人;金额:$450

Awarded to a student in the first year of the Geology program on the basis of financial need and academic standing.

Dr. Edna L. Moore Entrance Scholarship  候选人:1人;金额:$150

Awarded to a first-year student enrolled in the School of Nursing with the highest academic standing. The student may not be the recipient of any other major award.

Faculty of Management Scholarship 候选人:1人;金额:$2,500

The purpose of this award is to recognize a full time student in any program in the Faculty of Management at Laurentian University.

Frank S. Ressel Memorial Scholarships 候选人:4人;金额:$1,000

Awarded to first-year students enrolled in any undergraduate program on the basis of academic standing at an Ontario high school (in 6 U/M courses).

Horace J. Fraser Scholarship 候选人:1人;金额:$2,000

Awarded to a full-time student entering the first year of any program, with a minimum 80% average from an Ontario high school (in 6 U/M courses).

Irvine G. Reilly Scholarship 候选人:1人;金额:$5,000/年

This scholarship recognizes a Laurentian University Engineering student who is entering first year of their program. Preference will be given to applicants who have demonstrated financial need and those who are the first generation of their family to attend post-secondary. Award is renewable for up to four years as long as student recipient maintains a B average. Value is $5,000 per year.

Laurentian University 35th Anniversary President's Scholarships 候选人:4人;金额:$1,000

Awarded to a first-year student enrolled in any undergraduate program, based on academic standing (minimum 80%) at an Ontario high school (in 6 U/M courses).

Academic Excellence Scholarships (80-84.9%) 候选人:不限

80–84.9%  $4,000 ($1,000 in year 1, renewable for years 2, 3 and 4 provided average is maintained)

85–89.9%   $6,000 ($1,500 in year 1, renewable for years 2, 3 and 4 provided that average is maintained)

90-94.9%   $12,000 ($3,000 in year 1, renewable for years 2, 3 and 4 provided average is maintained)

95-100%   $16,000 ($4,000 in year 1, renewable for years 2, 3 and 4 provided average is maintained)

LUAA – Alumni Association Entrance Scholarship 候选人:1人;金额:$2,500

with a minimum 70% average in a secondary school. Student must not be in receipt of any other awards from Laurentian University.

LUAA – Alumni Faculty Entrance Scholarships 候选人:4人;金额:$500

Awarded annually to 1 student in each of the faculties: Science & Engineering, Arts (Humanities or Social Sciences), Professional Schools & Management.

The award is presented to a student who has a minimum academic standing of 80% in their 6 best 4U/M courses and has demonstrated financial need.

Mr. and Mrs. Myer Levine Scholarship 候选人:1人;金额:$1,000

The applicant must have obtained a minimum 75% average at a Sudbury high school (in 6 U/M course) or the equivalent, demonstrate financial need and not be in receipt of another major award.

Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education Entrance Scholarships 候选人:2人;金额:$1,000

Awarded annually to outstanding students entering first-year Engineering at Laurentian University. Where possible, the scholarships are awarded to a female student and to a male student with the highest academic standing at an Ontario high school (6 U/M courses). The scholarships are awarded on the recommendation of the School of Engineering.

Peter Barott Scholarship 候选人:1人;金额:$1,000

Awarded to a first-year student enrolled in the Engineering program. A minimum 75% average at an Ontario high school (in 6 U/M courses) is required and the student must not have received any of other scholarship or bursary that exceeds a total value of $1,500.

R.J. Askin Memorial Scholarship 候选人:1人;金额:$700

Awarded to a first-year student who is enrolled in any program, based on academic excellence at an Ontario high school (in 6 U/M courses).

Thomas D. Edward Scholarship 候选人:1人;金额:$1,000

Awarded to a first-year student enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts, Science or Commerce, with a minimum 80% average at an Ontario high school (in 6 U/M courses).

Walter Light Entrance Scholarship 候选人:1人;金额:$1,000

Minimum 80% average in 6 U/M courses. You must be enrolled in Arts (Humanities) or Commerce.
