
appliter 大学排名 5


2023.09.16下午场托福写作学术讨论真题范文-第1张图片- Appliter留学问答平台



I think the proposal is unnecessary. Research shows teens “naturally” stay up later  but explains nothing. It is more of a phenomenon than a reason. The real problem lies with the loads of homework that force students to stay up later. Whatever the reason might be, there is a "natural" tendency among teachers to assign excess amount of homework. Suppose the students have four classes a day: English, Math, Physics, and History, and each teacher assigns homework for one hour, then the total amount adds up to four hours. For students of average level, it is impossible to do so many calculations and read so many academic literatures. Even an adult would find it too tiring. To be more precise, it is a problem of inappropriate time management and lack of communication and coordination among teachers, because teachers are “naturally” only responsible for the courses they teach and don’t care other courses they don’t teach. So a good school should introduce advanced Education Management Information System (EMIS) to stop the uncontrolled tendency, ensuring that teachers should assign homework in appropriate amount so that students could have enough leisure time and flexible schedule. (192 words)






