PTE 官方DI考试技巧
11月4号起DI 和 RL的部分将有人工检查。注意,只是检查内容,流畅度和口音依然是由AI 评分的新的打分标准:
Content(0-5)Oral fluency (0-5)Pronunciation(0-5)DI 题型有25秒的时间准备,录音时间在40。
图中明显有大量信息时,只提及了一两点信息,尤其是录音时间在20s以下的千万不要再说这样的模板句子了“The image is of a beautiful graph and shows various information”不要概括图中全部的信息。辨认出哪些是重点信息需要概括是这道题的考点。不要花大量时间描述标题。学生用机械的方式描述。比如,“2017 shows..., 2018 shows..., 2019 shows...,” 这种回答没有体现出信息或数据之间的关联性。语速太快或者语速太慢都会影响评分。建议将回答控制在30s-40s保持流利度。新的游戏规则不是不能用模版了,而是不能用一个模板回答所有的问题!你可以把模版当成提示词使用,不是全部念一遍凑时间,流畅的说完一个两个图中提供的重要信息是这个题型的考点。下面我们来看一个例子。
1、Answer A
So this graph shows us the sightings of dolphins and whales in the bay.
So for example, 2017, 522 whales were seen whereas in 2018, 253 whales were seen.
However, in 2019 it was the opposite, there were more sightings of dolphins.
And then in 2020 we can see that there were more sightings of whales again, with around 700 whales being seen and only 500 dolphins being seen.
More whales were sighted than dolphins in 3 of the 4 years.
2、Answer B
The chart shows the sightings of dolphins and whales, in a bay, across the years 2017-2020. So 4 years.
We can see straightaway that the sightings of dolphins is actually increasing – from around 200 to 513 across the four years. Whereas the sightings for whales has sort of fluctuated, so it was 522 in 2017, then went down to around 250 and then to 250 again in 2019 and then up to 707 whales in 2020.
It seems that the sightings of these animals has increased or is increasing over the period with 2020 being the year where there were the most sightings.
这两个都是excellent回答。描述了图中的主要信息,用了whereas,however这样的词展示了信息的关联性。得出了一点结论,比如“More whales were sighted than dolphins in 3 of the 4 years” “It seems that the sightings of these animals has increased.”
3、Answer C
“So this graph describes sightings of dolphins and whales on the first year. On 2017 had a lot more whales, almost twice the amount 2018 less less whale, same amount of dolphins. On the year after that we saw an increase in the number of dolphins.
The whales stayed the same and in 2020 there was a very large increase in both the sightings of dolphins and whales.”
4、Answer D
“In this graph we can see sightings of dolphins and whales in the years 2017 to the year 2020, and can also see that in nearly every year the number of whales - the number of whales sightings were bigger than the dolphins.”
Answer C 和Answer D是average 回答。可以看得出这个字数密度比上面两个少了很多。并且没出现任何数据出现,只提及了个别年份,判定为对图片主要特征的描述不够。两个答案都在最后一句提出了一点结论。注意Answer C 的2018这里,不知道是录音问题还是考生有点语无伦次。但这并不是人工考察的对象。人工只对内容作出评分。
5、Answer E
“It shows an increasing amount of spotting of dolphins throughout the last years and the spottings of whales also.”
6、Answer F
“This is a very informative and interesting picture. It shows 2017, it shows 2018, it shows 2019 and 2020. It shows number of sightings. It shows sightings of dolphins. It shows dolphins. It shows whales. It shows that the data is increasing and decreasing to different levels. That is the end of my task describing an image. Thank you very much for listening to me.”
最后来看两个poor answer。Answer E显然回答的时间太短,没有描述主要特征。Answer F是典型的套用模版的回答。这种回答在没有改革之前是真的有很多人那么用,完全是bully the system。
我们最后来总结一下你的录音内容需要包括introduction, key features conclusion这三个部分。看一下这个官方的例子,加粗部分可以转换成自己的模板
The table presents the reading habits in Winstone(文章标题), showing the weekly time spent on social media, books, newspapers, and blogs by students, working professionals, and retired adults.”(柱状图的成分)
2、Key features
Books are most popular among retired adults, with 8 hours per week, and least popular among students, with 3 hours. Social media is most read by students, at 7 hours per week, and least read by working professionals, at 2 hours. Blogs and newspapers are read for about 1-2 hours per week across all groups.
The most significant feature is that books are the most popular reading material across all three groups, followed by social media. Blogs and newspapers are less commonly read.
【1】可用于预约2024年12月31日之前的PTE考试的A类,UKVI以及PTE Core的线下考试